The India-US “Hi-Tech Handshake” for Emerging Technologies

India-US Hi-Tech Handshake

Experience the transformative collaboration between India and the United States through the groundbreaking “Hi-Tech Handshake” initiative.

The OHCHR Report: A Silent Victory for India’s Kashmir Narrative

OHCHR Report

A report on the human rights situation in Kashmir was released by the United Nations Human Rights Office (OHCHR) dropping the name of India.

S Jaishankar’s Geopolitical Overhaul: Transforming India’s Foreign Policy Landscape

S Jaishankar

A notable transformation implemented by Jaishankar is the redefinition of India’s non-alignment policy. Historically, India pursued a stance of avoiding …

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Japan Protests Russia’s Declaration of “Day of Victory” Over Militaristic Japan

The post from The Hindu discusses Japan’s protest against Russia’s declaration of September 3 as a national holiday commemorating the …

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