Iran Executed 354 individuals! Under Solemn act

During the first half of 2023, Iran executed 354 individuals undertaken the solemn act of executing, as disclosed by the Norway-based organization Iran Human Rights (IHR). This surge in executions signifies a significant escalation compared to the corresponding period in 2022, where the number stood at 261. This news arrives just after Iran become the newest member of SCO last month.

While the majority of these executions in Iran have been in response to drug-related offenses, it is important to note that they are not confined to this category alone. Instances of execution also encompass crimes such as murder, terrorism, and various other transgressions.

The Iranian government’s reliance on the death penalty has drawn criticism from the IHR. Which denounces it as “disproportionate and arbitrary.” Moreover, the group calls upon the international community to exert pressure on Iran, urging an immediate cessation of this practice.

Unsurprisingly, the executions in Iran have elicited widespread condemnation from numerous human rights organizations. Amnesty International characterizes these acts as “a shocking and disturbing development,”. Shedding light on the Iranian authorities’ resolute determination to suppress dissent.

Expressing deep concern, the United Nations has also voiced its apprehension regarding the executions in Iran. Michelle Bachelet, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, unequivocally states that these executions represent “a serious violation of human rights.”

While the Iranian government justifies the use of the death penalty as a necessary deterrent to crime. Human rights groups argue that it not only fails to effectively deter but also perpetuates a cycle of violence.

As Iran Executed 354 individuals, it serve as a stark reminder of the country’s long-standing history of human rights abuses. The Iranian government has consistently suppressed dissent, employing the death penalty as a tool to silence critics.

The international community bears the responsibility to continue exerting pressure on Iran. They demand an immediate end to the utilization of the death penalty.

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