Modi Slams on China and Pakistan: 23rd SCO Summit


The 23rd Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit held on July 4, 2023, witnessed Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi Slams on China and Pakistan. This article delves into Modi’s statements, focusing on two crucial areas: terrorism and connectivity. While his comments were lauded by some for addressing critical regional concerns, others criticized him for his perceived stance against China and Pakistan. The repercussions of these statements are yet to unfold, potentially adding strain to India’s relationships with its neighbouring nations. It is also be noted that recently Iran was added to SCO.

Modi Slams on China and Pakistan

In the closed-door meeting of SCO leaders, Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed grave concerns about terrorism, emphasizing its far-reaching impact on regional and global peace. Modi made it clear that the SCO should not shy away from openly criticizing nations that employ cross-border terrorism as an instrument of state policy. Without explicitly naming Pakistan, India’s long-standing accusation against its neighbour for harbouring terrorists was implicit in Modi’s speech. By condemning countries that provide shelter to terrorists, Modi urged the international community to unite against this menace and take collective action to combat terrorism.

Balancing Connectivity and Sovereignty

Another significant aspect of Modi’s address was his emphasis on connectivity between SCO member states. While acknowledging its importance for regional progress, Modi underscored the need for such endeavours to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all nations involved. This veiled reference was seen as a direct response to China’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). India has consistently opposed the BRI due to its passage through disputed territories in Kashmir, which India claims as its own. Modi’s comments indicated that while he recognizes the benefits of connectivity, it should not come at the expense of compromising a nation’s sovereignty.

Modi Slams on China and Pakistan: Reactions

As with any politically charged discourse, Modi Slams on China and Pakistan garnered mixed reactions. Supporters commended him for his unwavering stance against terrorism and for standing up for India’s sovereignty. They viewed his statements as an important step in safeguarding regional security and ensuring that countries are held accountable for their actions. On the other hand, critics accused Modi of being overly critical of China and Pakistan, perceiving his comments as potential roadblocks to diplomatic relations. These contrasting viewpoints reflect the complex nature of international politics and the delicate balancing act that leaders must navigate.

The Impact and Future Relations

Given that Modi’s remarks were made in a closed-door meeting, it remains to be seen how they will be received by the public and whether they will shape public opinion. However, it is expected that these comments will further strain the already delicate relationships between India, China, and Pakistan. Diplomatic channels will be put to the test as the involved nations respond to Modi’s strong words. The repercussions of these statements have the potential to impact regional dynamics, emphasizing the need for careful navigation of the intricate geopolitical landscape in the months to come.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s comments at the 23rd SCO summit addressed two pressing issues—terrorism and connectivity. His firm stance against cross-border terrorism was evident, and he called upon the SCO to unite against this grave threat. Additionally, Modi emphasized the importance of connectivity while stressing the need for it to respect the sovereignty of each nation involved. The divergent reactions to his statements illustrate the complexities and challenges of maintaining harmonious relations in a geopolitically sensitive region. In addition, as events unfold, it will be intriguing to witness the outcomes and the impact on India’s relationships with China and Pakistan.


1. What is the SCO?

The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is an intergovernmental organization comprising eight member states, including China, India, and Pakistan. Also, it aims to foster cooperation on security, politics, and economics among its members.

2. Why did Modi criticize cross-border terrorism?

Modi’s criticism of cross-border terrorism stems from India’s longstanding concerns regarding Pakistan’s alleged support for terrorist activities against India. Moreover, he emphasized the need for the international community to address this threat collectively.

3. What is the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)?

The Belt and Road Initiative is a development strategy proposed by China that aims to enhance connectivity and economic cooperation between Asia, Europe, and Africa. It includes infrastructure projects such as roads, railways, and ports.

4. How will Modi’s comments affect India’s relations with China and Pakistan?

Modi’s comments are likely to add strain to India’s relationships with China and Pakistan. Also, the reactions from these nations will shape the future dynamics between them, potentially influencing diplomatic engagements and regional cooperation.

5. Will Modi’s comments impact regional security?

Modi’s strong stance against terrorism and his call for united action against this threat can contribute to regional security. However, the overall impact will depend on the responses of other nations and their willingness to address cross-border terrorism collectively.

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