India to Get More Rafale Submarines from France?

India to Get More Rafale Submarines as India’s Ministry of Defense has granted its preliminary approval for the procurement of 26 Rafale fighter jets and three Scorpene submarines from France, according to sources cited by news agency ANI. The proposals will now be submitted to the defense acquisition council, the country’s top procurement body, and subsequently to the government cabinet for final endorsement. The deal is expected to be officially announced during the upcoming visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to France later this week.


India’s Ministry of Defense Greenlights Acquisition In a momentous development, India’s Ministry of Defense has given its preliminary approval for the acquisition of 26 Rafale fighter jets and three Scorpene submarines from France. This decision underscores India’s commitment to enhancing its defense capabilities and fortifying its strategic alliances.

Rafale Fighter Jets: Enhancing India’s Aerial Dominance

The procurement of Rafale fighter jets represents a significant stride towards bolstering India’s aerial prowess. These cutting-edge aircraft are renowned for their advanced technology, exceptional performance, and multi-faceted capabilities. With their exemplary combat potential, the Rafale jets will substantially augment the operational readiness and combat effectiveness of the Indian Air Force.

Scorpene Submarines

However, strengthening India’s Naval Power The acquisition of Scorpene submarines will play a pivotal role in bolstering India’s naval forces. These submarines are esteemed for their stealth attributes, enduring endurance, and remarkable versatility. Also, by incorporating these submarines into its fleet, India will reinforce its underwater warfare capabilities and enhance its maritime security.

Significance of the Defense Acquisition Council

The Defense Acquisition Council holds paramount significance in India’s defense procurement process. It is entrusted with formulating policies and procedures pertaining to the acquisition of military equipment and systems. Moreover, the council assumes a critical role in ensuring transparency, accountability, and efficiency in defense acquisitions, thereby bolstering India’s defense preparedness.

India to Get More Rafale Submarines: Approval Process and Anticipated Timeline

Following the preliminary approval by the Ministry of Defense, the proposals for the acquisition of Rafale fighter jets and Scorpene submarines will now undergo comprehensive scrutiny by the defense acquisition council. Once the council provides its recommendations, the proposals will be forwarded to the government cabinet for ultimate endorsement. With Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s imminent visit to France, an official announcement regarding the deal is eagerly awaited.

Prime Minister Modi’s Visit: Reinforcing India-France Relations

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s forthcoming visit to France holds momentous diplomatic significance. It presents an opportune moment for both nations to consolidate their bilateral ties, particularly in the domain of defense cooperation. The announcement of the Rafale fighter jets and Scorpene submarine deal during this visit will further deepen the strategic partnership between India and France.


The Ministry of Defense’s approval for the procurement of Rafale fighter jets and Scorpene submarines marks a significant milestone in India’s pursuit of enhanced defense capabilities. Also, these acquisitions will play a crucial role in bolstering the Indian Air Force and Navy, empowering them to effectively safeguard the nation’s security interests. The deal serves as a testament to the burgeoning strategic partnership between India and France.

FAQ about India to Get More Rafale Submarines

  1. What is the significance of the procurement of Rafale fighter jets and Scorpene submarines for India? The procurement of Rafale fighter jets and Scorpene submarines will significantly bolster India’s aerial and naval capabilities, respectively. It will reinforce the country’s defense preparedness and strengthen its security interests.
  2. How does the defense acquisition council contribute to the approval process? The defense acquisition council assumes a pivotal role in formulating policies and procedures for defense acquisitions. Also, it ensures transparency, accountability, and efficiency throughout the procurement process, thereby bolstering India’s defense preparedness.
  3. When can we expect the official announcement of the deal? With Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s upcoming visit to France, the official announcement regarding the Rafale fighter jets and Scorpene submarine deal is anticipated to be made soon.
  4. What benefits do the Rafale fighter jets bring to the Indian Air Force? The Rafale fighter jets are renowned for their advanced technology, superior performance, and versatile capabilities. They will enhance the operational readiness and combat potential of the Indian Air Force.
  5. How will the acquisition of Scorpene submarines strengthen India’s naval forces? The Scorpene submarines are distinguished by their stealth features, enduring endurance, and exceptional versatility. The inclusion of these submarines in India’s fleet will enhance the country’s underwater warfare capabilities and reinforce its maritime security.

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